Board & Governance

2023-24 Board of Governors 

The authoritative Governing Body of the Association.

  • Chair Bill Boyce
  • Vice Chair Peter Whatmore
  • Past Chair John Finan
  • Kathy Breen
  • John Brennan
  • Mark Horner
  • Frank Kennes
  • Tariq Khan
  • John Leitch
  • Brian Slaughter
  • Susan Stevenson
  • Colin Yates
  • Mary Anne Zwambag

2023-24 Programming Council

The Programming Council is an advisory committee of the Board. The Programming Council shall be responsible for advising the Board on all matters relating to programming for the Annual Fair and all Association-owned and operated events.

  • President Brian Slaughter
  • Vice President Rhonda Persichilli
  • Bill Boyce
  • Warden Aina DeViet
  • Skylar Franke
  • Betty Ann MacKinnon
  • Norm NcNaughton
  • Elizabeth Peloza
  • Brian Ropp
  • Eric Thomson

2023-24 Senate

The Senate acts as advisors to the Board on matters that affect the overall well-being and future of the Association.

  • John Finan, Chair
  • Michelle Campbell
  • Joe Dales
  • Jan Delaney
  • Tim Kelly
  • Denny Lang
  • Ken Levy
  • Al Marr
  • Don McCallum
  • Karl Nevin
  • Ann Straatman
  • John White
  • Gary Williams

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